Top 5 Apps for Mahabharata

The Mahabharata is the longest known epic poem and has been described as “the longest poem ever written”. Its longest version consists of over 100000 shloka or over 200000 individual verse lines (each shloka is a couplet), and long prose passages. About 1.8 million words in total, the Mahabharata is roughly ten times the length of the Iliad and the Odyssey combined.

1.Mahabharata Audiocast

The epic is often ambiguous, and most authors try to fill in the blanks with their own ideas of what they think might have happened. The podcast idea by Lawrence Manzo is to simply present the ambiguities, explore the possible explanations, but still leaving it up to the listener to decide on what to believe. Very simple and lite App without any advertising is the best.


The App has the epic both in sanskrit and English. The translation is good and can be enjoyed.


The App presents the epic in story firm and is easy to understand. It has lot of spelling mistakes and misinformation but overall can be enjoyed if one wants to read and understand Mahabharata fast.

4.Mahabharata Characters 

The App helps you know with audio about Mahabharata and the contemporary relevance of the Indian wisdom and traditions. The biographies of main characters of Mahabharata is discussed in detail.


The App has all the links of the most famous series of Indian Television with English subtitles. The story is presented in a beautiful dance and drama play.

Author: Apps reviewed

a big fan of apps.

30 thoughts on “Top 5 Apps for Mahabharata”

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      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s nice to hear from you. Thanks for the appreciation and you are most welcome.. I would like to share such things. I am like a medium level user when it comes to app. I always find it hard to download the right one. When I saw your blog. I felt like, ok now I got an option to find the right one..

        Liked by 1 person

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    Liked by 1 person

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    Liked by 1 person

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